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Infused Liqueurs

Besides making drinks at home, I have a few other hobbies that I enjoy during my free time. One of them is gardening. Growing fresh fruits and vegetables is very rewarding and most of my gardening adventures are well documented on my gardening blog. Lately I've been thinking of ways that I might be able to combine both hobbies. Sure I could grow some mint in the garden to make mojitos or use my home grown tomatoes to make Bloody Marys but I'm looking for something a little more ambitious. And when I heard about Infusions, I knew it was something that was right up my alley. Infused liqueurs make for the best tasting cocktails so why not make my own infusions with fresh ingredients from my garden?

So what is an infusion? It's when you take alcohols such as vodka, rum, tequila or even brandy and combine it with fruits, flowers, herbs or spices to create outstanding liqueurs. Think of Absolute Citron, it's really just a vodka and lemon infusion. But of course, homemade infusions will usually taste better because you're using fresh ingredients. These mixes are put aside to infuse in large jars for up to a few months. Then they're sweetened to taste with simple syrup.

These flavored liqueurs are then used to make superior cocktails. Lemon Drop Martinis taste more lemony, Margaritas taste more limey and Chocolate Martinis taste more Chocolaty.

Over the next few posts I will be jumping head first into the world of infusions and documenting my progress along the way. First up, I'm going to share how I researched and learned how to make infusions.

Posted by Anthony 10:22 AM  


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