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Scary Looking Ice Cube

As a Home Mixologist, I’m always looking for interesting things to try when it comes to making cocktails. The key to home mixology is to practice on yourself and/or your spouse so that you when you have a party, you’re all set.

One thing I read about recently was making fancy ice cubes with fruit in them. You could serve something like that absolute berry drink and what would look better than an ice cube with a berry in it?

I set out to make some of these berry ice cubes. Since I have an automatic ice maker built into my freezer, I don’t have any ice trays. So I used a very small paper cup. I thought it would actually be cooler than a square cube because it would be disc shaped like the bottom of the cup.

As you can see in the picture, the paper cup didn’t make a nice looking ice cube. And this is why I practice things before trying them out on guests. I think I had better purchase some ice cube trays before I try again.

Posted by Anthony 1:18 PM  

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    how about just soaking a bunch of fruit in high proof alcohol and just freezing the fruit to use as icecubes? I like using lemonade as icecubes, etc etc.

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