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Why Is There A Bat Logo On Bacardi Rum?

The other day when I asked why Bacardi uses a bat for it's logo, Box 1715 was nice enough to leave a comment answering my question. Thanks Box!

Legend has it that when the founder of Bacardi was looking for a factory to start a distillery, he found a building that had fruit bats living up in the roof. This was considered to be a good omen so he bought the factory.

And then when he was ready to start selling Bacardi Rum, it was his wife who suggested using the bat logo because it was easily recognizable. And since many of their customers were illiterate, it would be easier for them to pick out the bottle that contained, "el ron de murcielagos", the rum of the bats.

Posted by Anthony 8:38 PM  

1 Comment:

  1. Unknown said...
    I have learned that bats are the only creatures who "pollenize" flowers at night. The species of plant used to make the rum has night blooming flowers and the bats help the keep the crops alive and thriving.

    The production depends on them.

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